Back to the Garden: This Two Shelled Path


A garden of forking paths affords an escape from plenty but gnostic entanglement it does not. the guilt, or the innocence and the guilt.  It is only quantum perspective that separates This two shelled path, it bores us to joys.


Back to the Garden: Look In The Barrel

Here comes a catholic 

Can you see anything offensive in that?

“This’ll be the end of Aaron’s…”

“C.K. kept talking about morality and punishment throughout the set, but never connected the dots to his own behavior. He belittled the idea that parents should teach their kids the difference between right and wrong. He tells his kids there are no bad words, you just have to think hard about who you’re saying them to. He talked about convicted murderers and how admission of guilt plays into sentencing. He observed how everyone in hell is equally miserable, and Hitler shares real estate with people who committed minor sins. He doesn’t believe in God (according to “Sincerely”), but mentioned his Catholic upbringing and ended the set by literally reading from a Bible. The obscure verse was about Jesus making a fig tree wither and die out of spite because it wouldn’t bear fruit.  

“You want fruit out of season? Go to Whole Foods, you f—king J-w,” he said.  

If you’re like me, that line probably made you laugh, but it didn’t make you smile.”

Dan Gentile


To Empty Hell: Debbie Does VALIS

“I have a secret conviction that Zebra is Christ, invisibly returned, and not what we've been told about him (her-Hagia Sophia). Aphrodite has returned, regaining her rightful power (of love) over the male war gods.  It is the "darling creature, the first created and most loved by God" of "Proverbs” 8 and “Wisdom of Solomon”.  Jesus was a disguise she took.  Now she is everywhere.  Being a projected hologram she can take any form she wishes.”

PKD,  April 1978