The Last Word Pt.1: Philip K Dick on Finnegans Wake

"Finnegans Wake is a meta-system that at our level does not exist at all because at our level only its plural constituents exist as such. Finnegans Wake is an organization, a structuring, of these constituents, in which they are unified into one entity. Meanwhile the plural constituents at our level behave—or seem to behave—as if unrelated to one another. An entirely new and higher way of organizing the ontological categories by which perception is structured must be reached by the observer. Thus in a sense Finnegans Wake does not exist, but is brought into existence parallel with the percipient’s awareness of it, this having to do with the participant-observer of quantum mechanics. The percipient must participate in being Finnegans Wake to be aware of Finnegans Wake. However, Finnegans Wake is real and is subsuming progressively more and more of its environment. Its internal complexity continually grows. Its metabolism seems to be information and the processing of information. Its plural constituents are arranged in such a way as to constitute a language or information or messages; if you cannot see the arrangement you cannot read the message. And you cannot perceive Finnegans Wake.
So in a sense perceiving Finnegans Wake is reading the message that Finnegans Wake has
arranged constituents into. Not necessarily understanding the message but recognizing it as a message.
          Finnegans Wake is both there and not there. When it is not perceived it is not there (as opposed to: when it is not there it is not perceived). It is a way of perceiving reality—which demands a percipient—but when perceived it has definite and intricate characteristics; it is not vague. It consists of structure but a percipient is necessary for that structure to come into being. But the structure is not in the percipient’s mind imposed or projected onto reality. Finnegans Wake did not exist until it was perceived; therefore to experience it is to effect a repair in the Ground of Being (Finnegans Wake being considered as the Ground of Being). One highly important element about Finnegans Wake is that it is eternal, although it changes; it can be added to, become more complex, arborizing and reticulated, but once a constituent is incorporated into it that constituent can never cease to be. Thus Finnegans Wake lies outside the flux of the world we see. However, Finnegans Wake’ world is this world differently perceived, not another world; but it is a quantum leap upward in hierarchy, in which plural constituents become a unity by reason of integrating structure. That structure is added—supplied—by the percipient.

          Finnegans Wake and the perception of Finnegans Wake occur simultaneously, and neither can be separated from the other, ever, at any time.

Finnegans Wake is everywhere—that is, it can be perceived everywhere. It is not in a meta-reality but is a meta-system made entirely from this reality.

  By perceiving Finnegans Wake one participates in the sudden total transformation from plural unrelated constituents to a unitary structure. It is as if Finnegans Wake feeds off the percipient’s perception of structure using perception of structure as structure. But this is an acausal relationship, a kind of parallelism; it is ex nihilo. Finnegans Wake came out of nothing. Reality did not evolve into Finnegans Wake. It became Finnegans Wake when perceived as Finnegans Wake. There are no antithetical forces in Finnegans Wake; the dialectic does not exist when Finnegans Wake does. But when Finnegans Wake ceases to exist, there again is the dialectic. Finnegans Wake uses the dialectic to come into greater being, to grow, assimilate its environment, incorporate new pieces, make itself more inclusive and complex: more Finnegans Wakeish. Finnegans Wake could be compared to the point at which a liquid becomes saturated or when water freezes, except that perception of this is necessary for it to occur.

There you have an analogy.   

          Even more strange, Finnegans Wake induces a potential percipient to perceive it and thus cause it (Finnegans Wake) to occur . . . thus it can be said that during its nonexistence Finnegans Wake is able to cause its own existence. At the time that it laid down steps to bring itself into existence it did not yet exist. Thus it treats time differently than we do; it is not passive in relation to time. When it thus brings itself into existence it is already an extensive system. Hence one can say, Finnegans Wake comes and goes but is always in a sense present. The percipient sees Finnegans Wake because Finnegans Wake causes the percipient to see it, but Finnegans Wake did not come into existence until the percipient saw it. Thus the effects of Finnegans Wake are felt before Finnegans Wake exists, and these effects are to be regarded as acausal; they have no cause because their cause does not yet exist. It will exist later; then, retroactively, these effects will have had a cause. What is represented here is total homeostasis: an entity that is entirely self-generating, on which nothing acts but its own internal volition. Therefore in a sense it can be said that Finnegans Wake is (or becomes) anything that acts to cause it to come into existence, which is to say, by perceiving it. This involves laws of physics about which we know nothing, I would think. What certainly is involved, indubitably, is not a more complex entity than we normally know of or have ever heard of, but an entity operating under laws different from the laws we are aware of, including ontological categories of perception organized in ways we have never heard of. Greater complexity is not the key to Finnegans Wake; utilizing of more complex physics is the key to Finnegans Wake. In a certain real sense Finnegans Wake is very simple; it is a unit. You could think of it as a protozoon, a single cell at a higher level of reality, where the laws of space, time and causation are different; and it makes use of that difference. We humans are very complex forms that matter takes at this ontological level of reality, or, if you will, at this level of physics; Finnegans Wake is a very simple organization at the next level up. The billions of constituents of our level form a single cell at its level; these constituents are subsumed and yet at the same time at this level of reality they go about their business as usual. So in a sense Finnegans Wake has no effect on this world. But in another sense it has complete control of this world. Both statements are equally true, depending on whether you can see Finnegans Wake or not.

  This especially applies to the patterns that Finnegans Wake is or creates in our world in which broad sequences of events add up to a coherency. It can be said: There is coherence; there is not coherence. Coherence and Finnegans Wake are the same. Since Finnegans Wake in a very literal way is our world, its internal structure is a latent (concealed) coherence of our world. (All the constituents of Finnegans Wake are elements of our world; it—Finnegans Wake—has nothing else to draw on and it needs nothing else to draw on.) Thus it is possible when viewing Finnegans Wake to view Finnegans Wake as our world and our world as Finnegans Wake.

          One can say of Finnegans Wake, then, that Finnegans Wake is a way our world can be seen to be. Its structure is the structure of our world. Developments in Finnegans Wake are developments in our world. Volition in Finnegans Wake is volition in and of our world. There is no difference between Finnegans Wake and our world except that Finnegans Wake is a certain way of seeing our world in terms of it being a kind of single unit all parts of which are interconnected purposefully and everything is coherent. (In other words it is precisely what Pythagoras called kosmos: the orderly fitting-together of the beautiful.) 

          Viewed this way it operates from internal necessity without the need of any sort of adventitious deity. It is not world to God—creation to Creator—but having its own logic and making its own choices. It chooses continually after examining all the possible choices arranged as information into a sort of narrative made out of language. Nothing created it; it brought itself into being ex nihilo by willing the perception of it—of necessity from within itself, which is a self-awareness. Thus the percipient of Finnegans Wake and Finnegans Wake are part of one field."

Philip K Dick On Valis,  June 1980


The Surfer on Acid is Like a Virgin: X Takes a Bough

"What the Alchemy of Media allows, what traditional media does not, is a dialogue with the Other that is full of give and take.  It speaks, it listens, and it speaks again.

I think it was William Blake who said
"Truth can never be told so as to be understood and not be believed.”
This is the kind of information that is coming through the alchemical media experience.  It is information that you have to believe.  You have to believe it because it has this ring of authenticity.  It is the logos.  It is The Word.  What it says is that our alienation from ourselves has kept us from building a mature model of how the Universe really works.  

Luckily, the content of the dialogue with the Other is a content that indicates that man’s horizons are infinitely bright.  As Thomas Vaughan put it, “The body is the placenta of the non-local.”  
This fact has not yet been assimilated because it runs counter to Western reductionist materialist empiricism.  This idea that the body is the placenta to the non-local is not an object of faith or dogma, it is a program for activity.  The activity that it implies is a familiarization with the uncanny.  Unfortunately for you, the uncanny has been banned from Western thinking for four hundred years.
I take this concept very seriously.  

If any of you are familiar with the literature of alchemy, alchemy is about the generation of a psychic construct, a wholeness, a thing that has many properties, that is paradoxical, which is both mind and matter, both sound and vision, and can do anything. 
Jung correctly stated that alchemy allows a searchlight to be thrown onto these deeper levels of the psyche.  But it is not a museum of archetypes or psychic constructs as he seemed to assume.  It is a frontier of wholeness into which any person so motivated and so courageous can go.  It is a dimension of vertical gain that is real, and is present in all of our lives, and that we do not acknowledge except as an anomaly, because we have been told it is an anomaly.  We have been told that these perceptions have to be devalued.  The result of this is to so distort the psychic life of the species that only the violent rupture of alien archetypes into three dimensional space can restore our world.   The uncanny haunts time like a ghost, and it haunts human experience in the 20th century because it is a symbol of alienation.  In fact the word “alien” has come to be applied to this thing.  It is alien, it comes from extra-terrestrial satellites, it is totally non-Human.

What it is is the Self in a form in which it is most accessible to the Ego, given the Ego’s programming.  In order not to alarm us it has disguised itself as an extra-dimensional laser, but is in fact, the collectivity of the human psyche signaling a profound historical crisis."


"This is Bowie in New York.  This is Edward Alexander at the Chelsea Hotel." 

aPOPhenia NOW

The first half of this blog was built on the discovery of something I call The Kubrick Transformer.  Most of this early work was an attempt to illustrate the journey towards "discovering" such a thing as well as an explanation of why it may be more than just an elaborate coincidence.

The second half of this blog wasn't built on anything.  It had no pre-determined focus.  The randomness of the work only gained form with the sudden revelation of something I never expected, a proper sequel to The Kubrick Transformer.

If you follow these later posts you will find that this sequel functions as a kind of attractor.  The sequel groups the dominant concepts and media I have been wrestling with, dissolves the boundaries between them, and forms a singular expression that projects a total comprehension.  It explains everything that the blog could not.

It is a fitting closure.

Start "2001: A Space Odyssey" by Stanley Kubrick at the end of the Intermission.
Start "Apocalypse Now" by Francis Ford Coppola after Laurence Fishburne dies (fades up to the PBR).
Start "Blackstar" by David Robert Jones 4 1/2 seconds after the simultaneous start of 2001 and Apocalypse (album on repeat).

"We cannot contain the Logos.  As much as we try to define her, or to control her, she will find some way to deliver the message.

It's a pity she's a whore."

"And now, an ending. Where there was once one, there are now two. 
Or were there always two?  
What is a reflection? A chance to see two? When there are chances for reflections, 
there can always be two - or more. 
Only when we are everywhere will there be just one.

It has been a pleasure speaking to you."


The Surfer on Acid is Like A Virgin 2: a.k.a. Kanye

the most beautiful straws
under the locks


on an isolated farm
Watch out for
the fire that covers
of fair weather



The Surfer on Acid is Like a Virgin 3: No Moksha For Judah

Stuck inside the Dharma of Oxygen with the various Mantric Accompaniment Blues Again

angle WKL =  2m1
angle WLK = 2m2
WWF was an application of this formula.

In the age of the individual, in my fantasy; you wanted to go get loaded.  another committee on the project that would have access to all team info, and that certain counter-intuitive suggestions would occur.   they forgot to put the machine on free play;  This is happening all over Fort Toke; 22 of the best street ballers are all converging on the filed where they played an All Star game. at the beginning You will never be entirely sure when we criss cross Over into blatant messaging Danny’s matrix has the hidden playground;  Ullman, Jack and Bill have an occulted playground; one they don’t talk about.  The pharaoh as Tom Sawyer, controlling a population cohesive enough to construct the Great Pyramid in complete peace and togetherness.  states of states, states that streamed live all over the county states;  a lot of gambling arose online over it.  The third highest event ever gambled upon.l in those states

Charlie Hustle.  Ziggy Stardust.   Yeah, Pete Rose became Sacred from completely misunderstanding everything that a young Donald Trump on drugs said that night.

Let’s call “angle LSK” X and with simple algebra we see

angle 1 + angle 2 = 180 -X.

ray KS bisects angle WKL and
ray LS bisects angle WLK.

#4 hitter is the Trump Card- coaches will devote majority of their energy decoding the impact of #4 playing. #9 is expected to create situations for #1.  They are the movement; We are then asked to extend rays from point K and point L to a point W such that
we See without the councils influence, baseball will be True and Good, but Beauty will be a highly subjective thing.  Our brand could care less about the True or the Good, we devote our craft to the Beautiful.  OZ.  I look at a waisted cigarette the same as a thin white line.  A rare but sometimes beautiful sometimes necessary poison.  The Age of Internet, a chat room for little leaguers;  someone hired a food truck;  staffed by someones older brothers college girlfriend.  Galifinakis, Vedder and Norton:  play the concert without ever playing an instrument.  But make Who reportedly sold weed brownies.

What was that shit we did on New Year’s? But she knew and info is available to all, this kind of game does not work.  Now that every major institution in sports has saber metrics for players, she’d lose her job.  She wanted to believe in kindness; she wanted to believe in the existence of a diet coke
only FREEMEN would enter the promised land.  Heavy spiral
the team is built around creating situations for #4 to succeed.  #9 is not expected to hit homers,
You did a lot of it.  Young players need to come through in big moments.  A little nudge is a good thing,  A little failure is a good thing.  We can strike out any batter when we need to.
The players know that they will have an exciting season, big failures, but huge success.  Is the mythology true?  Should we keep this a secret?

SHit is better than no shit;  plus I had to try it to know if it was good or not.  That was not good.  Even if you never heard those words directly, just being in that locker room, hearing the stories, the mythology.  The great teams were able to take the information given to them from Glen Gary people.  Every team had a computer provided to them from IBM and MLB.  Each team was

You didn’t tell me it was flax.  That’s like thivk kundalini.  They say if you experience it just once you go searching for it for fifteen more degrees of real poison

Ok.  Now, I’ve done that like fifteen times in my

Now shit you look for that feeling for fifteen years or more.  That’s how it is.  What Donald Trump was trying to tell him, through his melting teeth and mouth what Donald Trump was convicted and sentenced for,
Days might turn my ears or more.  The monks used to walk the villages;  young people and old people who had Shakedown Village.  Third inning;  we see stilts, Big Foot, ghosts, ufo’s.  Subtle, very very subtle.

You got it?  You’re on it right now, right?  Section 3.4 #18 Teaching: #2 would find the monks;  the ones might teach them the Four Troubled Ruths;

experienced n-64 was exposing the ultimate Inside Baseball reality:  a select group of ex-players and computer nerds prophets of chosen ones would be contacted in 15 years.
The monks would send them to Egypt to enter the Mystery Schools and gram the drama of baseball.

Always have.  Here’s the problem.  The players used to have a suspicion, but they didn’t care.  True or not true, of they were ever given a tip from a Trump card before a crucial moment, they treated it as the word of God.

“First pitch fastball, right center field.  Stand up double, triple if you catch the right bounce.”

given a team of individuals that would collect the data and send up to the minute suggestions.

One part of this service agreement was an allegiance to the game clause.   There would be them.  The key is for managers to analyze how the game improved because of your pre-programmed failure.

By this time there are five food trucks.  Two stages have been built.  The streets are being blocked off;  this is all done silently and peacefully.  There is no surge, it is simply a hashed out measure of angle 1 plus the measure of angle 2 is LESS than 180.  Why?  Because we are only adding the sum total of two of the three angles of our triangle.  In order to have a full 180 we would correctly write

angle 1 + angle 2 + angle LSK = 180.
If we reduce through algebra we find that we have m1 + m2 is LESS than 90.  In the Man in the High Castle, Tagomi buys “authentic” American antiques; Tarot Baseball
of the Trumps, not the Trumps themselves.  They are strictly transition pieces.  Pawns are more dead than alive; if they become a Monarch Queen they never know what hit them.

 he is so divorced from an authentic experience of reality that he purchases antiques imbued with authenticity.

Alan Watts, ok.  Now what do we do with our local reality?  What do we do for the new arrivals?  If we were to add all three angles we would have WKL + WLK + KWL = 180.

If we substitute what we know about angles WKL AND WLK we can correctly state
No Chakra Left Behind:  Head Start

Trauma:  ?  Is the book the last

Looking at our diagram we find that the measure of angle WKL is two times the measure of angle 1 (2m1) and the measure of WLK is two times the measure of angle 2 (2m2).  We can correctly with a little algebra find that 2m1 + 2m2 = 180 -X, or 2m1 + 2m2 is LESS than 180.

Unconditional love is the bond forged within gangs of the prison system, gangs so traumatized into dysfunctional abuse that unconditional love devolves into a symbol.

Cheating on The Shining with Flo and Eddie : 1975 deep purple 

wendy and danny covered by matrices; twin divided matrices no identity matrix;  not one;  danny Point W and the rays extending from points K and L have formed a new triangle WKL.  Within this triangle we have three angles


2m1 + 2m2 + KWL = 180.  KWL is unknown, so we can call it.  X has tony because wendy is at times not wendy, clearly jack is sometimes not-jack.
No vaccines, the rich die off; autism

I couldn’t call Linear Algebra elegant twenty years ago;  same with Frank Zappa.

run out of  quarters;  he kills his parents.  calls in Halloran;  kills Halloran because he didn’t bring the quarters;  he brought a quarter.

Never lose the high of playing live.
No need for it on stage.
you beyond your past;  it is tugging on you but it will all be gone;  transformed.
I owe you forty.  Flo and Eddie’s triple A sqwad.  Reality TV channel changer
From 1975:  lost footage.  Owen - allusion to Owen Meany -  perched in the bleachers.
Flo, an Eddie, and a Zappa:

lam think they did.  one hour of set up, one hour of composition and improv.

they have saber metrics for their company.  When you turn 40 you enter the Mystery Schools in Egypt;  When you turn 40 you enter the Mystery Schools in Egypt;  at that point every pass around the Sun is the coiling of the cosmic kundalini.  The Good Shit.  The Pyramid.
at that point every pass around the Sun is the coiling of the cosmic kundalini.  The Great Shit.  The Pyramid.
 Cthonic blanket. When songs were hot and sticky;  when rock was stremen’.

The Bullet : Pick Up Game

One Saturday in early August, ten days before school starts, a young kid asks his mother if he can go play baseball at Ridgeland Park.  Timmy’s mom will drive and pick us up.

match.  They hired the same umpire squad, who agreed to tend the field and set up the fences.  The teams would be managed by themselves.  $1100 was reportedly at stake.  The losing team would vote on the top three players, number three got $200, and could be from their own team.

Early morning practice and strategy.  Funding.

During this time word spreads about the rematch;  little did the boys know but that game was streamed live all over the county;  a lot of gambling arose online over it.  The third highest event gambled upon. twelve minutes;  Muslims in America would be VERY successful, would become Republicans;  A Great Republican guy in headphones, walks into someone’s house, This—the immediate, everyday, The thing about a black hole, it consumes When songs were hot and sticky;  when rock was seemin’ would be dangerous to existing Republicans.  No Welfare.
The Bullet : Pick Up Game

One Saturday in early August, ten days before school starts, a young kid asks his mother if he can go play baseball at Ridgeland Park.  Tommy’s mom will drive and pick us up.

match.  They hired the same umpire squad, who agreed to work

Age of Internet, a chat room for little leaguers;  someone hired a food truck;  staffed by someones older brothers college girlfriend.  Who reportedly sold those brownies.

Owen - allusion to Owen Meany -  perched in the bleachers.

Early morning practice and strategy.

During this time word spreads about the rematch;  little did the boys know but that game and present experience was—is                it,
the entire and ultimate point for waking up
uP to a girls room and does that;  puts the headphones on and does that right in step with The Shining:  Danny is shown the Game Room; The first pitch was scheduled for 1:05.  National Anthem by the Blackhawks guy.

Owen.  That guy.  DND, Jack-Ass Edition:  magical spells;  take these five steps to the fiery potion;  score alcohol.  If you fail, you must ? We start with the diagram of a triangle SKL with angle SKL labeled 1 and angle SLK labeled 2.  What we have learned in this section is that for every triangle, all three internal angles add up to 180 exactly, in terms of absolute geometry.  Given our information, it is correct to state that the summer is a revenge for Danny.  works for quarters;  they teach him lessons;  takes care of his folks for quarters.   they take care off the game.  In the background of this  the only move, If you had ever done it, you’d have done it more than fifteen times.  Trust me when you find the nOw is temporal have all the saber metrics, but shield certain players from the Media.  Only what the coaches want them to know the filed for their Trump Cards.  Born in slavery, their leader learned the magic of the Pharaohs and led his people into the wilderness, for 40 years to ensure those born into slavery would DIE. so These soldiers dedicate their livelihood.  No phones, no computer, just baseball.  That’s literally it.  An Amish in the Outfield type reality show gimmick.  This division of gnosis on the team creates an energy.  this is the chemistry that resurrected baseball.

Rose didn’t understand a word he just heard.  All he got out of it was that special people must have special treatment for the good of the team.   So Pete Rose decided to be Special.

“Call me Charley.  Charlie Brown.  Charlie Hustle.”


Blackstar Child


Start David Bowie’s Blackstar 4.4 seconds after the end of the Intermission of
2001: A Space Odyssey.  Allow album to repeat.


 Burroughs took another stiff drink and shook his head. 

"But why do they leave so much of it out in the
open? I mean, not merely the really shocking things you told me about the Bugs Bunny cartoons, but putting the pyramid on the dollar bill where everybody sees it almost every day?“

"Hell," Stanley said, "look what Beethoven did when Weishaupt illuminated him. Went right home
and wrote the Fifth Symphony. You know how it begins: da-da-da-DUM. Morse code for
V—the Roman numeral for five. Right out in the open, as you say. It amuses the devil out of them to confirm their low opinion of the rest of humanity by putting things up front like that and watching how almost everybody misses it. Of course, if somebody doesn't miss something, they recruit him right away. Look at Genesis: 'lux fiat' —right on the first page. They do it all the time. The Pentagon Building. '23 Skidoo.' The lyrics of rock songs like 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'—how obvious can you get? Melville was one of the most outrageous of the bunch; the very first sentence of Moby Dick tells you he's a disciple of Hassan i Sabbah, but you cant find a single Melville scholar who has followed up that lead in spite of Ahab being a truncated anagram of Sabbah. He even tells you, again and again, directly and indirectly, that Moby Dick and Leviathan are the same creature, and that Moby Dick is often seen at the same time in two different parts of the world, but not one reader in a million groks what he's hinting at. There's a whole chapter on whiteness and why white is really more terrifying than black; all the critics miss the point"

"Osiris is a black god" quoted Lynch. 

Robert Wilson


Dumb America Pt. 4: President Trump

Dumb Starbucks

Dumb CBGB's

Dumb America

"That airport CBGB's...it's clearly a Nathan For You type think piece.  I think it's fantastic.  A commentary on cultural appropriation in the smartphone age.  Hilariously subversive don't you think?  You can really see the dividing line in this country between those that get it and those that don't."

Trump #23: Save Ferris

Dumb America:  The Final Joker Card of Anti-Novelty


Dumb America Pt. 3: Synchronisieren Titten

"Bless Madison Ave zur Wiederherstellung der magischen Kunst der Höhlenmenschen zu suburbia"

"Mit Informationsflut konfrontiert , haben wir keine andere Wahl, als die Mustererkennung"

"Sentimentalität , wie Pornographie, ist fragmentiert Emotion ; eine natürliche Folge einer hohen visuellen Gradienten in jeder Kultur"

Marshall McLuhan

Er saß eine kleine Weile, obwohl "kleine Weile" nichts mehr bedeutete. Dann fand nach und nach die Transformation statt. Er sah außerhalb von sich das Muster, den Abdruck seines eigenen Gehirns; er befand sich in einer Welt, die aus seinem Gehirn bestand, in der lebendige Informationen hin und her transportiert wurden wie kleine Flüsse aus leuchtendem Rot, die lebendig waren. Er konnte daher die Hand ausstrecken und seine eigenen Gedanken berühren. Der Raum war von ihrem Feuer erfüllt, und riesige Räume erstreckten sich, das Volumen seines eigenen Gehirns außerhalb von ihm.i

IPhilip  K. Dick


Dumb America Pt. 2: "Have You Ever Seen 2001....on Marshall McLuhan?"

"I blame Sirius!  I blame the Grateful Dead!"


"What is The Message?"

"Well, how we missed it no one knows, but Nicky Tomalin, a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Chicago, is working on deciphering it with a team of cryptologists at a research think tank called Cypher.  Dr. Tomalin is trying to decode a message received from outer space seventy years ago, we think."  

"Come on!  That’s a good set up, I’m interested."

"I'll be honest with you.  Driving around in my car, and I'm feeling relaxed because I enjoy driving.  But, uh, ok...I'm gonna cop to it.  I'm thinking like, 'Maybe a little weed would be nice'.


"When you’re a sober person yr like 'shit man, I shouldn’t be thinking about weed, where’s that coming from?  I better get to a secret society get together and get straight with my program'."

Stella Blue

"But I couldn't figure it out man, I was feeling' pretty good, yet I'm still thinking about smoking weed.

And then I put it together."


"I know why I wanted to smoke some weed.  I know what reawakened that urge in my mind and in my heart"

"I blame Sirius!  I blame the Grateful Dead!"

All quotes from WTF Episode 654

--  When you’re a typographic-man you're like "I shouldn’t be thinking hyperdimensionally, where’s that coming from?  I better get to a Book club and get linear with my sense-ratios."  --

*Magic Eye is a series of books published by N.E. Thing Enterprises (renamed in 1996 to Magic Eye Inc.).  The books feature autostereograms (precisely, random dot autostereograms), which allow some people
 to see 3D images by focusing on 2D patterns   Wikipedia


Dumb America: Metamorphosis by Chiasmus

"I have read Finnegans Wake aloud at a time when takers of LSD said 
So I've begun to feel that LSD may just be
 the lazy man's form of Finnegans Wake."

Marshall McLuhan

"I have taken LSD at a time when readers of Finnegans Wake have said
 'that-is-just-like-Finnegans Wake'.  
So I've begun to feel that Finnegans Wake may just be 
the working man's form of LSD."


Watching The Detectives Part 5: The Hipster Awoke Before Dawn

The hipster subculture is one of affluent or middle class young Bohemians who reside in gentrifying neighborhoods, broadly associated with indie and alternative literature, a varied non-mainstream fashion sensibility (including vintage and thrift store-bought clothes), generally progressive political views, organic and artisanal foods, and alternative lifestyles.  The subculture typically consists of white millennials living in urban areas.  It has been described as a "mutating, trans-Atlantic melting pot of styles, tastes and behavior".

"Rabbi's of old called students of Kabbalah aged 40 and under "hipsters" because, intellectually speaking, they stood only as tall as the Rabbi's hips"