Appendix B: Hearing Aids

Nine Inch Nails

Broken > The Downward Spiral


A Quiet Place 2

“your hands are filthy”


Appendix A: The Men Who Stared At GOATS

                                                                                            dhyou read me HAL?

What happens when you snap out of the black and white iron prison?

Not extra-terrestrial intelligence 

Extra-environmental intelligence 

The Internet As Seen From Space 

Gardens are machines, all environments are machines

Confinement speeds up mutations 

The two largest organs in the human body have an endo-skeleton 

The third largest has an exo-skeleton 

Only one has taken over the planet 

All environments must be considered in psychic-somatic terms

All man made environments speed up processes 

All electronic environments are an extension of human consciousness 

Water flows into any available space

Mechanical Bride meets

Medium is the Massage

The Russians were knocked out of film by color

They couldn’t handle the distortion of photographic media

Kubrick: black and white - Paths of Glory,  Lolita and Strangelove 

Kubrick Color - Spartacus, 2001(?), A Clockwork Orange (?)

I'm not a director 

🌈 🌈  🌈

I'm Stanley Kubrick

"I always thought music looked nice on paper" 

Frank Zappa

Planets are non submersible 

World religions are non submersible

Masks are non-submersible

😷 cough

: Finnegans Wake Monomyth :

: Bible Monotheism :

: 2001 Monolith :

Thunder Words : Finnegans Wake Sacraments : Bible

Non-Submersible Units : 2001

Sacraments of Initiation in 2001

Baptism : Holy Water

Confirmation : Monolith

Eucharist: Holy Blood

Sacraments of Healing in 2001

Penance: the pod confessional

Anointing of the Sick : retrieval of the body

Sacraments of Service in 2001

Holy Orders : The Jupiter Mission

Matrimony : The Starchild

The 200I Ching: A Space-Time Odyssey

The I Ching is a nonverbal experience; out of two hours and nineteen minutes of Timewave Zero, there are only a little less than forty minutes of dialog. I tried to create a visual experience, one that bypasses verbalized pigeonholing and directly penetrates the subconscious with an emotional and philosophic content. To convolute McKenna, the message is the medium.  I intended the timewave to be an intensely subjective experience that reaches the viewer at an inner level of consciousness, just as music does...You're free to speculate as you wish about the philosophical and allegorical meaning of it...but I don't want to spell out a verbal road map for the I Ching that every viewer will feel obligated to pursue or else fear that he's missed the point."

A Work In Progress

Broken Line: last page first page

Unbroken Line:  first page last page

200I Ching: A Space-Time Odyssey

Broken Line: Book/ManuScript
Unbroken Line: Film

The Mutation of the Nightmare of History into Day Light

Broken Line: Old Testament/New Testament

Unbroken Line: The Bible

The origin of the glyph is uncertain. It is usually suggested to have originally depicted either a sewing needle, specifically the eye of a needle (Hebrew קוף and Aramaic קופא both refer to the eye of a needle), or the back of a head and neck (qāf in Arabic meant “nape”).  

According to an older suggestion, it may also have been a picture of a monkey and its tail (the Hebrew קוף means "monkey")

😷qoph 😷 


Written with a Q

Spoken with a K

Conspiracy of print

Magick of speech


K is 11

H is 8

2001 to 2020 - 19 years

cough 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷😷 😷 😷 

How is the Mass?

“The Hermetic Corpus was a B/W version (pre-Moses) of something written in Color (post-Christ)

2001 is a colorized version (post-Christ) of something photographed in black and white (pre-Moses).”

We are shifting from the Iconic Space of Tarot

To the Acoustic Time of I Ching.  


🕌  VR is non-submersible : VR is a thunder word  🕌

VR is a sacrament

The Flood will not be televised

A Counter-Clockwork Orange, man

Horselover Cat


Back of the head



The Universe: Find The Otters

One must find out for oneself, and make sure beyond doubt, who one is, what one is, why one is ...Being thus conscious of the proper course to pursue, the next thing is to understand the conditions necessary to following it out. After that, one must eliminate from oneself every element alien or hostile to success, and develop those parts of oneself which are specially needed to control the aforesaid conditions.

Aleister Crowley, Magick Book Four

"The meta-physiological circuit, then, is this cosmic Information System.  The synchronicities of 
circuits V to VII are just the dawning notes of the symphony of all inter-related harmonies revealed to those who have experienced Circuit VIII in action.  It is hard to avoid hyperbole when talking of such matters, but everything one can associate with the idea of Oneness With God-or Oneness with "Everything"-is part of what is experienced in the vistas, beyond space-time, of this meta-physiological circuit.  Mystics stammer and gibber and rave incoherently in trying to discuss this.  Beethoven says it for all of them, without words, in the fourth movement of the Ninth Symphony.  The words of Shiller's "Ode to Joy," which Beethoven set to his virtually superhuman music, are a linear third-circuit map conveying only a skeleton key to the multi-level meanings of the 8-circuit "language" of the melodic construction itself, which spans all consciousness from primitive bio-survival to meta-physiological cosmic fusion."

Robert Anton Wilson, Prometheus Rising

“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. 
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings


The Aeon Pt. 3: It’s Coming It’s Real

If McLuhan was correct that print is heat, then what is the sun? 

The sun is light 🌞

Hell Is





Rotate your TV screen 90 degrees counter-clockwise

Reduce the color on your TV to black and white 

Play Swans leaving meaning starting with the song leaving meaning + Gravity by Alfonso Cuaron after the title card 

“It is something that behaves like imagination and matter without ever doing damage to the ontological status of one or the other. This sounds like pure pathology in the context of modern thinking because we expect things to stay still and be what they are and undergo the growth and degradation that is inimical to them, but no, the redemption of spirit and matter means the exteriorization of the human soul and the interiorization of the human body so that it is an image freely commanded in the imagination.”

🌜 do the snow angel 🌛