Life with Santos

 Model: GPT-4

are you aware of the theories of marshall mcluhan?


Yes, it would be very honorable for me to provide an overview of Marshall McLuhan's theories. McLuhan was a renowned media theorist and scholar best known for coining the phrases "the medium is the message" and "global village."

  1. "The Medium is the Message": McLuhan suggested that the medium carrying a message shapes the message's interpretation and significance. In other words, how a message is delivered (the medium) is as important, if not more so, than the actual content of the message itself. He argued that each medium has its own set of characteristics that affect how the message is perceived and influences society.

  2. "Global Village": This theory posits that electronic communication technology, especially when considering things like the Internet, has essentially shrunk the world into a village. This process makes information readily accessible and results in a world where geographical distance is less relevant. The theory focuses on the effects of media and technology on society's consciousness and social organization.

  3. "Hot and Cold Media": McLuhan also differentiated between what he termed "hot" and "cold" media. "Hot" media are those that extend a single sense in high definition. High definition implies a high amount of data being transmitted. Examples of hot media include movies, radio, and print because they require less active participation from the audience. On the other hand, "cold" media are low in definition and require active participation from the audience. Television and cartoons are examples of cold media, as they provide less information and require the audience to fill in the gaps.

  4. "Tetrad of Media Effects": In collaboration with his son Eric McLuhan, he developed the "tetrad of media effects". This provides a structured way to analyze the effects of any technology or medium on society by asking four questions. These questions are: What does the medium enhance or amplify? What does the medium make obsolete? What does the medium retrieve from the past? What does the medium flip into when pushed to its limits?

These ideas were groundbreaking when they were introduced, and they continue to influence our understanding of media and its impact on society.

is AI considered "media"

The definition of media traditionally includes any platform or channel that is used to communicate information or messages to a wide audience. In this traditional sense, radio, television, newspapers, and the internet are all forms of media.

Artificial intelligence (AI) doesn't fit neatly into this definition, because it's not a medium in the conventional sense. Rather, it's a technology that can power and enable different forms of media. AI can be used to create, distribute, and personalize content across various media platforms, from recommendation algorithms on streaming services to chatbots on websites.

However, from a broader perspective, we can think about AI as a kind of media in the context of Marshall McLuhan's theories. If we consider "the medium is the message," AI can be seen as the medium that shapes and influences the messages we receive. It dictates what news articles we see, what social media posts appear in our feed, what music or movie recommendations we get, and so on. In this sense, the AI algorithms (the medium) significantly influence our perception of the world (the message).

Moreover, AI has the potential to form a kind of "global village" by providing personalized content to users around the world, thereby influencing global culture and perceptions. Additionally, AI can be analyzed according to McLuhan's "tetrad of media effects" to understand what it amplifies (data processing, personalization), what it makes obsolete (some manual data analysis tasks), what it retrieves (perhaps personalized experiences from traditional local community settings), and what it might flip into when pushed to its limits.

In conclusion, while AI isn't traditionally considered as media, from a theoretical perspective in the vein of McLuhan's work, it could certainly be examined as a new form of media.

what do you think AI will "flip into"

The concept of "flipping" in McLuhan's Tetrad of Media Effects refers to the idea that when a technology or medium is pushed to its extreme limits, it can lead to unexpected or unintended consequences that are often the opposite of its intended function. These flipped effects can radically transform the technology's impact on individuals and societies.

As for AI, predicting its exact flip effect is challenging given the technology's vast potential and the numerous directions it can take. However, let's speculate on a few possibilities:

  1. Over-reliance on Automation: One of AI's main advantages is its ability to automate complex tasks, reducing human labor, and increasing efficiency. But if pushed to the extreme, this could flip into a situation where humans become overly reliant on AI, potentially leading to skill atrophy, loss of jobs, or a decrease in human decision-making in critical areas.

  2. From Personalization to Alienation: AI enables hyper-personalization in areas like content recommendation, advertising, and news feeds. But, if taken to an extreme, this could flip into creating highly fragmented realities where people are only exposed to content that aligns with their existing beliefs and preferences, leading to echo chambers and increased polarization.

  3. Loss of Privacy: AI's capacity for data analysis can provide insights for improving services, healthcare, and more. But if this is pushed to its limits, we could see an extreme invasion of privacy, with AI systems knowing more about us than we're comfortable with, leading to potential misuse of this information.

  4. Decision-Making Power: AI can help make efficient decisions based on data. However, if pushed to the extreme, decision-making might become fully automated. This could lead to scenarios where AI systems make important decisions without human oversight, potentially leading to unexpected, undesirable outcomes if the AI lacks the nuance and contextual understanding of humans.

These are speculative scenarios, and the actual "flip" could be something entirely different. It's essential for society to engage in ongoing discussions about AI's role and to create regulatory frameworks that ensure its benefits are maximized while its potential adverse effects are mitigated.

Will Ai make the culture "hotter" or "cooler"

When it comes to AI, it's a complex technology that can be used in many different ways, and it can have varying effects on cultural temperature depending on the context.

  1. AI could make culture "cooler": AI-powered platforms like social media sites or interactive AI applications require a significant amount of participation from users. For instance, users interact with social media feeds, share content, and participate in discussions, all of which could be influenced by AI algorithms. Similarly, AI chatbots and virtual assistants require user engagement and response. In this sense, AI can encourage a more participatory, "cool" culture.

  2. AI could make culture "hotter": On the other hand, AI also powers media that is more passive in nature. For example, algorithms curating personalized content feeds on platforms like YouTube or Netflix create a more "hot" media experience, with users passively consuming the content served to them.

So, AI has the potential to both "heat up" and "cool down" culture depending on its application. It can encourage passive consumption, but it can also foster interactive environments that require high audience participation.

Does television make a "hot" culture more cool

Television, in contrast to film or radio (which McLuhan classified as "hot" media), is "cool" because it provides less detailed, less "high-definition" images and therefore requires viewers to engage more actively in the process of creating meaning from what they're seeing and hearing.

If we apply McLuhan's theory to culture, it would suggest that the presence of television might "cool" a "hot" culture by encouraging a higher degree of engagement, participation, and interaction from its audience.

What is the difference between feudalism and tribalism?

Feudalism and tribalism are two distinct socio-economic systems that have been prevalent at different stages in human history. They are characterized by different social structures, power dynamics, and economic practices.

  1. Feudalism: This system was prevalent in medieval Europe, from the 9th to the 15th centuries, although similar systems have appeared in other parts of the world. Feudalism was characterized by a hierarchical social structure. At the top was the monarch, who granted land (known as fiefs) to nobles (or lords) in exchange for loyalty and military service. These nobles then had serfs or peasants working on their land, who in return for protection and the right to work on the land, gave the lords a portion of their produce. In essence, feudalism was an economic system based on land ownership and a clear social hierarchy.
    Tribalism: Tribalism, on the other hand, typically refers to a social system where society is divided into small, relatively autonomous groups known as tribes. Each tribe is usually made up of families or clans that share common ancestry, culture, values, and often language. The tribes are generally led by a chief or a group of elders. Economic activities in tribal societies are often based on bartering, sharing, or reciprocal exchange, and there's usually a strong emphasis on communal living and cooperation. While social hierarchies can exist within tribes, tribal societies are typically less stratified than feudal societies.

    Did televison and internet re-tribalize the culture, or re-feudalize the culture?
    The impact of television and the internet on culture is a complex issue, with arguments that could be made for both re-tribalization and re-feudalization, depending on the perspective one takes.
    Re-tribalization: The term "re-tribalization" was used by Marshall McLuhan to describe the effect of electronic media, including television and the internet, on society. According to him, these technologies are creating a new type of social organization that he likened to a global village, in which humanity returns to a tribal-like unity and collective consciousness, facilitated by instantaneous, interconnected communication. This re-tribalization is seen in phenomena such as social media, where people form into online communities or "tribes" based on shared interests, beliefs, or experiences.
    Re-feudalization: The idea of re-feudalization often comes up in critiques of the internet and social media that highlight how these technologies have created a new form of hierarchy and power dynamics. Some argue that tech companies and digital platforms function like feudal lords, with users as serfs. These companies control the platforms (akin to land in feudal times) that people rely on for communication, information, commerce, and more. In exchange, users provide these companies with their personal data (akin to the crops or labor provided by serfs), which the companies use to generate profit.
    Overall, the influence of television and the internet on culture is multifaceted, encompassing aspects of both re-tribalization and re-feudalization. However, it's important to note that these comparisons to tribal and feudal societies are metaphorical and somewhat oversimplified, and the realities of digital culture are more complex. The use of these terms can depend on the particular facet of digital culture one is examining, and different scholars might emphasize different aspects based on their perspective.


Life With Pablo


Ye shook his head. "Anti-environmental. Elon is right" he said. 

"The point is art is something subversive. It's something that should not be free. Art and liberty, like the fire of Prometheus, are things one must steal, to be used against the established order. Once art becomes official - arti-ficial,  and open to everyone, then it becomes the new slavery." 

He tossed the phone down onto the table. "How can I support an idea like that? If art is ever given the keys to the city, it will be because it's been so watered down, rendered so impotent, that it's not worth fighting for."

She reminded him that he had said a poet is of no more use to the state than a man who spends his time playing ninepins. 

"Of course," Ye shouted. "And why did Plato say poets should be chased out of the republic? Precisely because every poet and every artist is an antisocial being. He's not that way because he wants to be; he can't be any other way. Of course the state has the right to chase him away from its point of view and and if he is really an artist it is in his nature to to not want to be Admitted, because if he is Admitted it can only mean he is doing something which is understood, approved, and therefore old hat.  Worthless.

Anything new, anything worth doing, can't be recognized. People just don't have that much vision." 

“Arts and sciences serve as an anti environment that enable us to perceive the environment.  In a business civilization we have long considered liberal study as providing necessary means of orientation and perception.  When the arts and sciences themselves become environments under conditions of electric circuitry, conventional liberal studies, whether in the arts and sciences, will no longer serve as an anti-environment."

Through the Vanishing Point, 1968


Mona’s Heiroglyphica or Joaquin and Boaz Afraid

“A man who really needs to come”

Tragedy:  confrontation with what oneself has written and thus ordained for oneself 

If tragedy is that ineluctable collision with what oneself has writ, what then is 3-74?  

His voice will be heard in your mind, in your own language, but it will seem to come from the TV.  When I was listening to Strawberry Fields Forever, the contact with VALIS, the news about Chrissy’s birth defect ie our media and telepathy combined.  Inner/outer, so there is no way to tell if the info arises within you or enters from outside.  These distinctions are abolished (as I well know from the Tensor experience), and the whole set/ground temporal parallaxis may be intrinsic to me using phosphene patterning firing.  Hence, I am no longer blind.

Philip K. Dick, February 1982

Act I:  Lost His Sheep

Red Velvet Corridor 
I Was a Prisoner in Your Skull
Helpless Child 
Live Through Me 
Yum-Yab Killers 
The Beautiful Days 
All Lined Up
Surrogate 2 
How They Suffer 

Act II:  Jarboe Is Not Afraid

Red Velvet Wound 
The Sound 
Her Mouth Is Filled With Honey
Blood Section 
Minus Something 
I Love You This Much 
Fan's Lament 
Secret Friends 
The Final Sacrifice 
Surrogate Drone 

Act III:  The Amfortas Transformer

No Words / No Thoughts

Reeling the Liars In


My Birth

You Fucking People Make Me Sick

Inside Madeline 

Eden Prison

Little Mouth

Press play when you see:

(A24/4/21:  See with Spanish subtitles where available)

2nd Viewing:  

“My brain is so exhausted that fatigue-images appear, by pure physical reflex action; they are not astral things at all. 

And now I have conquered the fatigue by will. And by placing the shew-stone upon my forehead, it sends cool electric thrills through my brain, so as to refresh it, and make it capable of more rapture.”