Is This Water Part 3: Awakening The Element Of Purity

Yeesh.  That's one hell of a title.  Ambitious, and new-agey, even for a Post-Gap Yoga Pants Generation.

What does awakening the element of purity even mean?

If you ask Google, you get some images of mandalas, and then a few links to what look like video games, healing therapies and healing centers, as well as a book about channeling truths from the Fifth Dimension (which is LOVE apparently).

Does Google not recognize the source of this translation?  Have I translated incorrectly?

Bodhi is Sanskrit for "awakening".
Sattva is Sanskrit for "the element of purity in prakriti".
Prakriti is Sanskrit for the "prime material of all matter".

So, bodhisattva can be translated into the awakening of the element of purity (in all matter). 

Is this the human element?  Or the element water?


  1. Creating bodhicitta is key. To be a bodhisattva one must have bodhicitta. Om Mani Padma Hum creates compassion. Om Vajra sattva hum. Awake and aware and willing to share. 87

    1. Sharing is caring. Thank you for always sharing your thoughts Dennis!

    2. you people(s) k-now, and be well and be blessed, butt is this something the divine should allow? or are we damned to a certain fate, no no, that is not something that water would allow!

      thanx wklaus23 for the inspirational, even if...
