ADM Men 23: Who is this person writing about?

"Oh, totally. I find him very funny. A bizarre spectacle. Impossible to tell if and when he is serious. The perfect successor of (?) who also managed to maintain a decades long intellectual hoax. Amazing stuff! (If you want a real brilliant WTF, check out (?).
Would I recommend others to read his books? No, probably not. Or maybe, as a kinda mean joke to play on someone deserving. Because before you can find him funny you have to take him seriously for a while. And before you are used to his writing it is mostly unreadable. (Or, at least unreadable to those of us without a background in (?), or similar.)

I will now tell you my dirty secret of how to read his bullshit. (?). All his books should be sold with a small quantity of quality (?), anything else is unnecessarily cruel to the user. Only drug induced hyper-focus allows one to plough right through this stuff while not worrying too much about whether it actually means anything. And then do a repeat reading, this time after (?). Giggle copiously. Under no circumstance approach his work sober!"
by someone on Tue Mar 22nd, 2011 at 12:43:32 PM EST 

Is this person writing about:



