Nuh Uh: A Knowledge of Syphillis

“It’s really strange.  If you get accused of pornography, then anyone who would defend you is defending pornography”. 

Lenny Bruce

When the magazine

ran into financial difficulties in the 1970s, it was the conspiracy theory element that attracted ex-Beatle

John Lennon to donate; saying, "If anything ever happens to me...it won't be an accident."


“I was up in San Francisco and this guy said did you ever take any DMT?”

“Take another toke, till the jewels fall out of your eyes”

“Man has risen above the rule

That’s what we’ve done

We’ve practiced the form so much that we’ve lost the essence of the form and now what we’re dying from is the knowledge.

Our intelligence kills us.

And now comes the police cars.

Now what went on in my mind is that if I could say something so bizarre and do the most vile thing, the most repugnant thing that they could ever think of that nothing would happen.

I thought the thing that does us in is the shock.

The punchline is that I talked to a doctor about this DMT and he said “DMT where’d you get that?  That’s a classified drug!”

I said “what do you mean?”

He said “well it’s an experimental drug. They developed it for shock, to replace electric shock, but it got out of hand so the War Department took it over”

Lenny Bruce, 1966