Ice cream

Or Beverage 

Subtle shifts in perfection and perception galvanizes memory palaces made of memes 

If you have no interest in history beyond the year of your birth Grandpa and Auntie are a feel good choice but Grandpa and Auntie are currently incompetent.

1,000 Kerouacs on-line

Waiting to be called drunk 

And fabulous 

THE NINE OF CUPS - Happiness - Moon - Taurus - Company

Keywords: Jupiter in Pisces, happiness, passionate love, deep joy, blessing

Advice: This moment is filled with harmony and inner happiness, fully open before it! Don't miss it!

Question: Where do you look for true happiness and where do you find it?

Suggestion: Breathe and Feel! If you are alone, enjoy the solitude. When you are with others, enjoy their presence. If you have something to do, do it with quiet devotion.

Revelation: Happiness is my natural state.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Societies (Roundtable)

Keywords: social life, pleasures, ridicule, greed; marriage?

The structure we build on stolen emotions is vulnerable (sexless catholic psychonaut then and now)

I can zoom in from above 

And land in any closed system

With fluency and rhetoric 

Burroughs tricked them into reading 90 pages prior to the interview 

The interview began with a discussion led by Burroughs on the first 30 pages followed by an admission of only having read the first 45 pages himself so that he could have the last 45 pages explained to himself sight unseen through the wire

“The DNA is a hard drive of information blah blah blah

There are files that can be accessed blah blah blah

Hyper dimensional echos of blah…”

Why does the ground change?

Why does it prevent me from enjoying the figure?

Insert Hexagram Here

We can’t justify anymore blah blah blah

Give it a blah

This tour is a memory palace

Of a once critical mass that has gotten caught up inside it and 

Has become architecture now

When it gets down and sober, 

If it gets to running around

He can take something back from on high

So listen to it again

I can’t or can’t begin with that or end with that with that

They owe us a 1950’s twist on the black iron prison where impossible numbers and letters and impossible symbols derail your Sphere

A Brohemian Groove in Gravity’s Rainbow Room where winos exist outside of the entropy of human relationships and main characters twist out of trouble in time for two plus two plus two