Master of Donuts

Reasons for eating donuts:

1.  My "hunger" is very bad right now.

2.  To give me energy.

3.  I can't work without donuts.

4.  I can't stay alert without donuts.

5.  I must be at my best to do what I have to do.

6.  I must show I am MASTER of donuts - free to say either YES or NO.  And I must be perfectly sure by saying YES at the moment.  My refusal at the moment shows weakness, therefore I eat donuts.

7.  In spite of the knowledge of the disadvantages of donuts, I am really not sure whether it isn't better than the other life.  After all, I have an extraordinary control over my emotions through donuts.

8.  It is dangerous to stop eating donuts too suddenly.

9.  I'd better take a small donut now rather than put it off till later; because if I do so, it will disturb my sleep.

10.  It is really very bad for the mind to be constantly preoccupied with the question of donuts.  It is better to take a small donut to rid myself of the obsession.

11.  I am worried about donuts because of my not having any.  If I were to eat one, my mind would clear up immediately, and I should be able to think out good plans for stopping it.

12.  The gods may be leading me to some new experience through eating donuts.

13.  It is quite certainly a mistake putting down all little discomforts as the result of eating donuts. Very likely, all of them are illusions, and simply my own illusions of GUILT.  I am simply scaring myself into saying NO.

14.  I must not be a coward and say NO.

15.  There is no evidence at all that the REASONABLE use of donuts shortens life.  In fact it ENRICHES life, and we all know that HAPPY people live longer than DEPRESSED and SAD people.

16.  I take it because donuts are prohibited.  I decline being treated like a silly schoolboy when I'm a responsible man.

17.  My friend likes me to eat donuts with her.

18.  My ability to eat donuts shows my superiority over other people.

19.  I have given up most vices, donuts allow me to still enjoy life, and that isn't a crime.

20.  So-and-so has eaten donuts for years and is all right.

21.  So-and-so has eaten donuts for years, is still eating them, and is the most remarkable man of his century.

22.  I am feeling very, very rotten, and a very, very small donut would make me feel so very, very good.

23.  We can't stop when it is available EVERYWHERE.  The temptation is too strong.  Plus, we can't just throw donuts away.

24.  Suppose I take all the pains to stop using and then I get cancer or something right away, what a FOOL I would be!


  1. Hmm, interesting... So far I've managed to quit my once daily ingestion of cigarettes, weed, alcohol and caffeine, over a period of a year or so. After withdrawal, the only remaining side effect is that I'm incredibly sleepy today. Which I can deal with. I've been drinking orange juice in place of coke (I'm definitely not going to drink the super-calcified water up here) and the only thing left is to purge my system of processed foods. I've managed to do it before, but the circumstances this time around are a bit different. It's almost impossible to find stuff that isn't "modified" in some way, considering the fact that huge corporations are buying up organic labels because that's what people want now, and the actual product is just labeled organic when it's really genetically modified organic. The only way to know for sure is to buy non-monsanto seeds and grow them yourself or buy from someone you know and trust at a farmer's market.

    Well, now that that's over... I think I'm going to take another 3 hour nap.

    ps: my robotic word verification that asked me to "please prove I'm not a robot" (paradox?) was "42 assadj"

  2. wow. this is hitting close to home for me. lately i've had this massive urge to stop eating processed foods, but i'm addicted to them. in fact, food is my only addiction (i've never smoked or done drugs, i cut out soda months ago). i've even mastered sexual urges. But the food habit i can't kick. for some reason though i have this overwhelming feeling like i have to hurry and master ALL my body's urges, including it's need to eat.

    i don't even think it's the food itself. it's the lllusion of the NEED for the food that i must conquer. Jesus did it. Buddha did it. Ghandi did it. I even had an epiphany about the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. In the last stage before Dave Bowman's tranformation into the Star Child he was sitting at a table eating what appeared to be a nice fancy meal, then he suddenly dropped his glass on the floor and stared at it intently. I think that in that moment he overcame the last stronghold of the physical body...eating.

    so anyway...i started this master cleanse 10-day fast yesterday. i don't know if i'm gonna make it or if it will break me of my habit. keep me in your thoughts lol

  3. Nice post.
    I just did a blogpost;


    using some quotes from your post above and putting them with some
    (I hope) amusing pictures.So I hope you don't mind.
    And have you thought of doing a book along the lines of
    "Diary of a Do-nut Fiend : The Whole Story"...or something like that?
    I think it could do alright.

  4. The Master-Cleanse, it turns out, is a system of withdrawal. There are some ugly moments indeed, but well worth the perspective it brings. Good luck Sibyl!
