“I think of time as a spherical constant, which means that everything is happening all the time. Human beings take a linear approach to it, slice it in segments, and then hop from segment to segment to segment until they die, and to me that is a pretty inefficient way of preparing a mechanical ground base for physics. That’s one of the reasons why I think physics doesn’t work. When you have contradictory things in physics, one of the reasons they became contradictory is because the formulas are tied to a concept of time that isn’t the proper model.”
Frank Zappa to Matt Groening
“What I do is:
I think up a novel in my head and take notes (in this case Valisystem A about Hawthorne Abendsen and how it went later on after the Nazis got him, based on my life after Nancy left me, and also based on my ideas about my March experience that were early ideas; my plot of say around April to November 1974).
Then I forget the whole thing, motivated by not being motivated. Then I am bopping around, as in this case working on my Time Theory and iAhuasca Theory and trying to combine them — with no idea about the book or any book— and a new plot idea comes (see enclosed pages, which are further on To Scare the Dead).
I combine Valisystem A and To Scare the Dead.
Every novel of mine is at least two novels superimposed.
This is the origin; this is why they are full of loose ends, but also, it is impossible to predict the outcome, since there is no linear plot as such. It is two novels into a sort of 3-D novel.”
PKD, 1975
“Xenochrony means strange synchronizations.
Am I satirizing editing? I don't know whether the technical process of editing is enough of a commonly understood phenomenon that you could satirize it. You can't make a joke about something that people don't know exists. So, I would say that's not part of it.”
FZ, 1988
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